Long Live the Sticker!

Welcome my fellow sticker addicts. So, for quite a while now, I have thought about starting a blog, but like everything else life gets in the way and other things just take over, oh and the thought does anyone really want to know what you have to say?! kicks in. Haha But I finally thought hey if it makes me happy and if no one reads it at least I tried it.

So here we are, and what better way to kick off my first blog than some sticker chat. If you have seen my shop, then you know I have just re-launched my stickers and thought hey let’s just have a wee chit chat about stickers, I mean why not?!

Jumping into the colourful and quirky universe of stickers is the best addiction you can have. Yes, those tiny, peelable pieces of joy that can instantly brighten and jazz up anything from laptops to, journals, phone cases and any surface that requires a little bit of happiness. If you have ever found yourself spending way too much time looking at stickers or buying stickers, then this blog is for you.

Sticker Obsession: A Not-So-Guilty Pleasure

Let's face it, there's something inexplicably satisfying about peeling off the backing of a fresh sticker and carefully placing it on your chosen surface. It is a simple pleasure that transcends age, occupation, and background. Whether you were a kid proudly decorating your school folder or a grown-up professional adding some sass to your work laptop. Stickers hold a special place in our hearts. And now with the internet we can spend hours looking and finding the best stickers.

Although, I do remember in school we would cover our school jotters in left over wallpaper, to protect them. I also think this might have just been a weird Scottish tradition. I had the worst wallpaper so stickers where a must.

Why The Love of Stickers?

Stickers are like tiny bursts of self-expression. They come in every shape, size, and design imaginable, making it easy to find ones that perfectly captures our personalities. From cute animals to sweary words, minimalist designs to funky and bold designs, there is literally a sticker out there for everyone. The possibilities are endless!

The Joy of Sticker Trading

Okay, so I have not done this, but I love the idea of sticker trading, basically swapping stickers via good old snail mail and just waiting to see what arrives. It is such a fantastic way to find new stickers, discover new designers and of course expand our sticker collections. I think I should look into this more, because it does sound like fun. 

In Conclusion: Long Live the Sticker!

They are little peelable pieces of joy and no matter what age you are there is no denying the joy that stickers bring to our lives. If it’s just a wee reminder for the day, a nostalgic memory that takes you back to your childhood, whatever the reason for your love of stickers, it’s the right reason because you're adding a little bit of happiness to YOUR world and that’s all that matters. So, bah hum bug to the sticker haters and hey to all my fellow sticker addicts, you are awesome!

I would love to hear why stickers make you happy, if you have ever traded stickers or any other sticker chat you have in the comments :)

So Go Stick it to 'em, my friends!

Charlene x


  • That makes me happy, Claire! It wasn’t till I was writing this I remembered about covering our books in wallpaper and how weird it was that it was a must 😂 Aahh Scratch and sniff stickers, I had totally forgotten about them. Its funny how the small things can bring back so many childhood memories 💕 Thank you, Claire 💕

  • Thanks for unlocking so many childhood memories! Backing books with wallpaper and trading stickers with friends. I had totally forgotten about these 😂
    The most popular stickers back then were scratch and sniff or animals with wiggly eyes 👀🐶💕

    Claire McPartlin

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